Olivia Hsu


Olivia Hsu


An elite level climber, Olivia found yoga to be the perfect compliment  to climbing,  cultivating focus and flexibility on both the mental and physical levels.  She has studied Ashtanga for nearly two decades and has been studying continuously with Richard Freeman and Tim Miller. Being an elite level athlete she has been able to find the delicate balance between practice and training and understands the myriad ways in which yoga complements doing what you love.

Olivia has appeared on the cover of magazines such as Yoga Journal and Rock and Ice, and written about yoga for climbers in publications such as Yoga Journal, Climbing, Back Packer Magazine, and featured in Mantra Magazine and Elephant Journal, among others. She has climbed and taught yoga to some of the best in the world and is passionate about bringing yoga to climbers.


Here’s a look at Olivia’s adventure updates.